THE Mental Health Commission (MHC) published four inspection reports that included two centres, in Waterford and Wexford, with 100% compliance rates.
The Inspector of Mental Health Services, Dr Susan Finnerty, praised the centres for their continued commitment to providing the highest-quality care for residents and in-patients.
“Inspections of these centres revealed an excellent level of care, with great attention given to the comfort, safety and dignity of residents and in-patients,” said Dr Finnerty. “The staff in these centres deserve recognition for the tireless work they have done to achieve this high standard, particularly during these challenging times.”
“While the findings of these reports are encouraging, we need to see a countrywide move towards the high quality of care demonstrated by these centres,” said the Chief Executive of the Mental Health Commission, John Farrelly. “All approved centres should aspire to provide this standard of care in 2021.”
The remaining two centres were 97% compliant. One of these centres was non-compliant on the regulation relating to premises as it was in a poor state of internal repair, inadequately ventilated and not in good decorative condition. The other was non-compliant on the regulation relating to general health as the documentation for some physical health assessments was incomplete, and required medical assessments were not carried out for a resident on anti-psychotic medication.
An Coillín is located beside Mayo University Hospital in Castlebar, Co. Mayo. The centre achieved 97% compliance on the inspection – an increase of 10% compared to its 2020 inspection. The care and treatment of residents in the centre was noted as being excellent. There were no conditions attached to the registration of the centre at the time of inspection.
The centre received one non-compliance, which was risk-rated moderate, on the regulation relating to premises. This was due to the poor internal state of repair of the approved centre. Some of the centre’s walls were in need of repainting or repair, three windows were observed to be dirty and the flooring in one bathroom was stained and in need of replacing. Two extractor fans were also broken, which meant the centre was not adequately ventilated.
Grangemore Ward is located on the campus of St Otteran’s Hospital in Waterford City. The centre achieved 100% compliance on the inspection – an increase of 9% compared to its 2020 inspection.There were no conditions attached to the registration of the centre at the time of inspection.
The inspection found that the centre had good safety processes, that each resident had appropriate therapeutic pathways, residents’ privacy and dignity were respected and the centre was responsive to residents’ needs. Quality initiatives in the centre included refurbishment to accommodate all residents in single bedrooms and additional nursing staff training in COVID-19 testing and vaccination.
Selskar House is situated within Farnogue Residential Healthcare Unit in Wexford Town. The centre achieved 100% compliance on the inspection – the same percentage compliance as in 2020. There were no conditions attached to the registration of the centre at the time of inspection.
The inspection found that the centre provided therapeutic activities and physical health monitoring appropriate to the needs of older persons and provided services in a way that met the needs of older persons and their families. Quality initiatives identified on inspection included a sensory relaxation environment in the therapeutic room.
Tearmann Ward is located in St. Camillus’ Hospital, Limerick. The centre achieved 97% compliance on the inspection – an increase of 7% compared to its 2020 inspection. There was one condition attached to the registration of the centre at the time of its inspection relating to the regulation on staffing. The centre was not in breach of this condition and was compliant with the associated regulation.
The centre had one non-compliance, risk-rated moderate, on the regulation relating to General Health. Some six-monthly physical health assessments were incomplete as family and personal history was not completed, and some required medical reviews and assessment – including an annual ECG – were not carried out for a resident on anti-psychotic medication.