Quinlivan calls for cross party support for bill to reinvest crime proceeds seized by CAB back into disadvantaged communities

Maurice Quinlivan TD

SPEAKING in advance of the second stage of the Proceeds of Crime (investment in Disadvantaged Communities) Bill, Sinn Féin TD, Maurice Quinlivan, has called for cross party support for the bill. The passing of the bill would allow for money seized by CAB being back into disadvantaged communities.

The Limerick TD stated:

“Too often the communities in which the criminals have been active are the most disadvantaged in the state. The people in these communities work hard and are good neighbours but the actions of the criminal few effects all of those in an area.  The flaunting of illegally earned wealth can attract vulnerable youths into the orbit of these criminals. I can understand the allure, they see these criminals donning expensive watches, designer clothes and often driving high powered vehicles, while seemingly not needing to earn a legitimate income.”

The Sinn Féin Deputy added:


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“The Criminal Assets Bureau have done a good job of seizing the assets of criminals and I salute them for this. In 2019 they seized almost €65million in cash and assets. There is a great satisfaction in seeing the ill-gotten gains seized by the state. Passing this bill would allow for these resources to be reinvested back into those communities that have been suffering the plight of organised crime. To reinvest this money into the communities will demonstrate that crime doesn’t pay. Parts of Limerick have been devastated by the impact of crime. Too many lives have been lost, too many families have been torn apart over the years.”

“I am urging members of all parties, particularly the elected members from Limerick to vote in favour of this bill. Some Working class areas of Limerick have been ravaged by crime. The reinvestment of the money generated by the seizure of these assets should be to alleviate the impact of crime and enhance crime prevention measures.”

The Limerick TD concluded his remarks stating: “Limerick communities have reached their limit when it comes to the scourge of these gangs. These criminals flaunt their wealth while holding entire estates hostage. It is time we gave back what these criminals have taken. It is time to reinvest the proceeds of crime back into the communities that these people have terrorised.”
