Limerick’s O’Connell Street Revitalisation Works to go ahead

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LIMERICK City and County Council has confirmed that work on the €9.1m revitalisation of O’Connell Street will proceed following a review of critical transport infrastructure projects in Limerick.


In accordance with the relevant legislation on Covid 19 temporary restrictions, certain essential construction work is permitted. This includes projects involving “the repair, maintenance and construction of critical transport and utility infrastructure”.


On site works had been due to start last January but had been halted due to Level 5 restrictions.


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Further to consultation at departmental level and with project funders, Limerick City and County Council has determined that it is now appropriate to proceed with the works.


Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr Michael Collins has welcomed the news saying the O’Connell Street revitalisation project is a major project for Limerick involving the reconstruction of Limerick’s main street to expand pedestrian facilities and provide dedicated cycling and public transport infrastructure.


“This is great news and a very welcome development for all of Limerick, as it will deliver huge improvements to the attractiveness of our city as a place to live, work and visit” he said.


“In particular this is critically important for city centre businesses who will be re-opening their doors in the coming months. I know there has been lots of preparatory work and project planning on-going in the background but now the contractor can mobilise and begin the on-site stage.  I’m assured that Limerick City and County Council will liaise with the appointed contractor to ensure a safe return to work and compliance with all public health requirements as these works begin.”


The O’Connell Street revitalisation project covers the area between the junctions with Denmark Street/ Arthur’s Quay and Cecil Street/ Lower Cecil Street in Limerick city centre. The overarching aim of the project is to provide a high quality public realm befitting O’Connell Street’s status as Limerick’s primary street.


The project includes:


  •       Wider footpaths to facilitate people gathering, on-street trading, and ‘spill out zones’ from shops and cafes on the street
  •       Provision of street furniture on O’Connell Street including seating areas, trees, planting, bicycle stands, and lighting, as well as features such as sculptures, pedestrian plazas and water installations
  •       Dedicated cycle lanes to facilitate active travel
  •       Introduction of public transport infrastructure and reduction in the width of traffic lanes
  •       Raised table junctions to slow down traffic
  •       Relocation of parking and loading spaces from O’Connell Street to adjacent side streets


Further details on the O’Connell Street revitalisation plans can be found here
