“Urgent action” needed to tackle youths gathering and flouting public health guidelines at scenic Limerick walkway

A Limerick politician has called for “urgent action” to address groups of youths gathering at a scenic Limerick walkway and flouting public health guidelines and intimidating members of the public.

Independent Councillor Frankie Daly said groups of youths have been converging at Canal Bank, Limerick, without wearing face masks and causing a disturbance.

“People do not feel safe on the Canal Bank, they feel uneasy even just going for a walk, it’s sad to say, but that’s the truth of it,” said Cllr Daly.

He has been contacted by local residents complaining after youths have been gathering for the past number of weeks beneath a flyover bridge on the bank, intimidating people.


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Cllr Daly said a glass bottle was thrown at a female as she cycled along the bank last week and that two females, who were walking along the bank were assaulted and robbed.

“It’s not the gardai’s fault, it’s a resources issue, I know a lot of gardai are out doing Covid-19 checkpoints, but urgent action is needed,” Cllr Daly said.

A video recorded two weeks ago shows a large group of youths at Canal Bank gathered together not wearing masks and generally causing a disturbance to local residents.

“This is causing fear for walkers and joggers an cyclists. There were two young females attacked the other night, it reminds me of the movie Fallen Down when Michael Douglas’ character is sitting by a rock and he’s ordered to pay a toll by two other men who approach him,” Cllr Daly said.

“People are afraid to walk freely, there needs to be more garda visibility on the canal bank.”

“These are large groups of young teenagers aged from around 14 years upwards, and they are breaking every public health rule under the sun.“

“It’s a huge problem when the message isn’t getting through, and we could be under lockdown for longer.”

Gardai said they are to increase patrols along the walkway in response to the concerns.

“Community Policing Units in Henry Street Garda Station and Mayorstone Garda Station will be increasing the number of patrols of the Canal Bank in Limerick City to prevent and detect incidents of anti-social behaviour, ensure compliance to Covid-19 Regulations and to keep the community safe,” a Garda spokesman said.
