Here is my bulls*it avoidance toolkit – Treat every day like it is April Fool’s Day! #AnnSteveTalk re-edit on vaccines, disinformation on Covid-19 and measuring truth

Ann Blake and Stephen Kinsella talk stuff, in the fifth episode of this podcast, Ann and Steve talk about the 'Lemon Problem' and how our choices and knowledge impact the cost and value of items, and the impact that has on the economy. #KeepingLimerickPosted #AnnSteveTalk
Ann and Steve talk stuff

This episode of Ann and Steve Talk with The Limerick Post Newspafocuses on vaccines, disinformation on Covid-19 and measuring truth. Ann Blake and Stephen Kinsella talk about the history of vaccines and a handy metric for measuring truth. This episode is a re-edit of a previous chat about fake news and disinformation – as relevant today as it was when first aired in December.
Stephen Kinsella and Ann Blake will be back with a new episode next week.

Ann & Steve Talk Stuff is recorded when an artist and an economist walk into a podcast to discuss odd things that make the world go round | The podcast is out on Fridays
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