Call for innovative ideas to make Limerick city ‘energy positive’

time lapse photography of square containers at night
Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash

THE leaders of the +CityxChange project in Limerick are running an Open Call to the public, looking for innovative ideas to improve how homes, businesses and residents use energy.

The overall project is working to develop areas of “positive energy” in Limerick city which produce more energy than they consume.

Limerick is one of two EU ‘lighthouse’ cities that is involved in a major climate-change pilot programme that will give a lead to the rest of Europe on how to dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of urban areas.

The EU +CityxChange Programme (Positive City Exchange) sees Limerick, along with Trondheim in Norway, chosen to roll out a project that has the potential to revolutionise how we produce and use energy in European cities and towns.


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The project is supported by the EU Horizon 2020 programme, and the project team includes Limerick City and County Council, University of Limerick, GKinetic, and ESB Networks among others. The first Open Call ran last year with five projects focused on the laneways of the Georgian Neighbourhood.

An ‘Open Call’ is a way for members of the public to join the work of the project, by demonstrating ideas, pilot projects and prototypes that can be tested in real-life settings in Limerick.

This new Open Call, “Take Control of Your Energy,” is looking for projects that test ideas to reduce the amount of energy used in the city, and increase the energy generated from innovative sources.

Funded up to €5,000, the pilots will be tested in the city centre for a fixed period of time. Citizens, businesses, community groups, makers and other interested groups are welcome to get involved.

Welcoming the Open Call, Mayor of Limerick city and county, Cllr Michael Collins said he is hoping for innovative ideas from the public so we can be more effective in Limerick about how we use our energy.

“This call is focused on software-based projects that could improve how homes, businesses and residents use energy – making energy use simpler, more accessible, more streamlined and ultimately more effective,” he said.

“Or how do we help people take control of their energy use? How do we help businesses and residents save energy, through recycling, waste management or smarter production methods?

“The overall aim is for us to develop areas in Limerick where we produce more energy than we consume so I’m encouraging anyone who has an interest in this area to get involved.” he said.

People can submit their applications via

An information session will be held this month, and you can register your interest and find more information at
