HomeBusinessLiving Georgian City initiative brings new life to Limerick’s old laneways

Living Georgian City initiative brings new life to Limerick’s old laneways


LIMERICK City and County Council is embarking on a project to rejuvenate Limerick’s city centre laneways.

Some of the laneways currently offer a good setting for community, residential or business uses. However, many are currently used mainly for parking access and bin storage.
If they were designed better, they could provide space to experience culture and art, a space for children to play or an exercise area.

The Limerick Laneways could become places that offer a quiet sanctuary from city life, car-free spaces to socialise or places to experience nature.
A team of architects, designers and engineers has been appointed to re-think the Limerick Laneways and they are keen to hear your thoughts and ideas.
Local feedback will help shape the vision and strategy for the Limerick Laneways, as well as the designs for the first seven laneways.

There will also be further opportunities to view and comment on emerging proposals in 2021.
Responses will be anonymous and closing date is Monday, December 14.
If you would like to become more involved in the re-imagining of our laneways, an online community workshop is being held on Tuesday, December 8 between 7 and 8.30pm via Zoom.

For more information on the Living Georgian City initiative log on to Limerick.ie

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