RTE Home SchoolHub Debut for Coláiste Chiarain Student Presenters! & Two national titles in recent weeks

RTE Home School Hub Debut for Coláiste Chiaráin Student Presenters! & Two national STEM titles in recent weeks

Coláiste Chiaráin Transition Year students, Kieran Wall and Eimear Leonard are delighted to have been chosen to present a Coding segment on RTE’s After School Hub.

Following on from the hugely successful Home School Hub, which aired during the school lockdown back in April and May, RTE have continued with their educational offering in the format of a Home School Hub. Students from Coláiste Chiaráin were recommended by Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre in Ul, and were auditioned to present the Coding section of the show.

Kieran and Eimear will be teaching Scratch to their Primary School viewers on a weekly basis. It has been a fantastic opportunity for the TY students, especially this year, where the current restrictions have limited the range of activities TY students have been able to engage with.


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Coláiste Chiaráin prides itself on delivering a holistic education that provides opportunities to students to explore and develop a broad range of skills and talents, both academic and artistic. Both students have starred in Coláiste Chiaráin musical productions over the past three years so know all about what it takes to engage their viewers.

This no doubt contributed to them delivering the chemistry and know how that RTE were looking for. Kieran and Eimear have expressed their excitement at the opportunity they have been given and are really looking forward to the shows they are planning.

Coláiste Chiaráin continues to be a front runner when it comes to STEM education. School Principal, Mr. Gerard O’Sullivan paid tribute to the ongoing developments in STEM education in Coláiste Chiaráin, “this new educational initiative with RTE is a very exciting development and it provides wonderful opportunities for our students.

“We are delighted with the opportunity to partner with RTE and we are equally delighted with our recent CanSat and National Scratch competition wins in recent weeks. Tremendous credit to all students and teachers involved”. she added.

Last Week Coláiste Chiaráin 6th Year students Hannah Lucey, Rubab Kabir, Hassan Shah and Liam Murphy won  the CanSat National Finals and 2nd Year student Seán O’Sullivan was awarded  the Best Technical Sophistication Award in the Scratch National Finals; both in the past week.

It is indeed an exciting time for all in Coláiste Chiaráin as they finally move into their brand new campus in the coming weeks. The campus, which features a STEM lab and Digital Media Studio, will further enhance their outstanding delivery in these areas.

Enrolment for incoming 1st Years is still ongoing and details of all that Coláiste Chiaráin has to offer can be found at www.cco.ie/wp/enrolment.

