A celebration of triumph over adversity: #NewMusic from Hermitage Green

NOW in their tenth year, Limerick band Hermitage Green have had their triumphant celebrations postponed with tours in Australia and in Ireland postponed until next year.

That said, their newest single ‘West Broadway Girl’ is a celebration of triumph over adversity and is an uplifting reminder to us all that we can still grasp the bull by the horns and overcome any obstacle in our way.

“West Broadway Girl song is about deciding what way you want to live your life, everything from what street to go down, what clothes to wear and who to love,” explains singer Barry Murphy.
“Don’t let anyone stand in the way of who you are and becoming who you want to be.”


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MusicLimerick – New Music Favourites is a Spotify playlist of some of the fine music being produced by Limerick artists over the last 12 months.

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