Limerick Women’s Network Call on Government to ease COVID-19 Restrictions in Maternity Services

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THE National Collective of Community based Women’s Networks is calling on the Government to ease COVID-19 restrictions in maternity services and allow birthing partners to be present at all pregnancy related appointments, scans, full labour and births as soon as possible.

This request has come on foot of many of the 17 NCCWN projects nationally being contacted by upset and vulnerable women and pregnant people being left completely alone during their pregnancy appointments, labour and in some cases giving birth with no support.

There have also been instances where people have had to receive the devastating news that their pregnancy is not viable and have had to miscarry without a loved one present.

NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network staff, who work on the ground with women experiencing multiple forms of marginalisation and disadvantage, are incredibly concerned for the wellbeing of anyone currently pregnant or who becomes pregnant in the near future and is left with the added stress and fear of having no support when engaging with maternity services.

Additionally, NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network are asking concerned members of the public to get involved in their letter writing campaign and contact their local TDs via post or email to let them know that this treatment of pregnant people is unjust and will no longer be tolerated. Information on this campaign and a template letter can be found on the NCCWN website and on their social media platforms.

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NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network Coordinator, Edel Geraghty, said, “We were very concerned when we realised that the new Plan for Living with COVID-19 did not include any mention of the easing of restrictions in maternity services or the wellbeing of pregnant people.

“We are especially worried for women who may be extra vulnerable at this such as; those who do not speak English, are from ethnic minorities and anyone with medical or underlying conditions, along with first time parents.

“Pregnant people need and should have a supportive partner with them throughout their pregnancy, expecting them to do everything alone seems callous and should not be allowed to continue.” she added.


A pregnant woman who contacted the Limerick Women’s Network and wanted to remain anonymous said, “I have been incredibly cautious all throughout COVID-19 and I don’t mind following the rules and keeping people safe but when people can go to pubs and restaurants and socialise but I, a first time mother, am forced to go to all of my scans and appointments alone, it is quite upsetting and unfair. My partner has been totally side-lined from the whole experience, I have lost that support and as a result I feel anxious and vulnerable.”


A template letter can be found on the NCCWN website and via their social media platforms. NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network are hopeful that members of the public will step up and join them in this important campaign.

