Belltable:Connect is inviting applications for three week-long sessions for emerging/ midcareer/ established theatre/ performance artists living and working locally.
Marketa Dowling Programme Manager of the Belltable said “As we all know, the current pandemic has been detrimental to the performing arts. If strangers cannot share an art experience with each other and the performers, the sector has lost its raison d’être.
“Many artists are now turning to online to engage with their audiences. These Belltable:Connect workshops give an opportunity to artists across their careers to explore how to communicate with an online audience, how to connect with them as active participants instead of casual observers.
“Translating Live to Online is funded by Creative Ireland and Limerick City and County Council through Creative Ireland Made in Limerick Grant 2020.”
What is Translating Live to Online?
The workshop is designed to develop audience engagement and shared experience. Not solely in the live context, the workshop explores how “live” translates to “online”. Can the lived and shared experiences of an actor and audience exist when presented through online platforms?
How can theatre artists become effective storytellers while not becoming filmmakers. Many artists are moving activities online, hoping to find an audience for a new, ‘not-quite-live/ not-quite-video-or-film’ artform.
Practitioners must therefore examine what this new discipline might be and how it connects with audiences as active participants in the performance, as opposed to casual observers.
Simon Thompson facilitates three independent week-long sessions for five emerging/ midcareer/ established Artists, in Belltable Hub.
Artists will explore Complicité and Kinetic Empathy through play and failure, improvisations and physical interventions. Particular focus will be on the corporeal architecture of the body.
Through embodiment of sensation and emotion, the Artists learn about their own body, become aware of how it moves through space and how much non-verbal information it imparts to the observer.
Simon said “The current world crisis has affected everyone to varying degrees and as a creative person the lack of human interaction and the excitement of sharing ideas has indeed been one of those challenges.
“However thanks to the Belltable. I’m shaking myself down and heading into the studio with 3 different groups of local artists, and we’re going to explore ideas surrounding audiences and live performance.
“Furthermore we will consider the implications and very exciting possibilities, which transitioning to online may present. These workshops will allow local artists to challenge, develop and explore new possibilities and opportunities for creating, audience focused and engaging theatre for the future.”
The three weeks in question will run in Belltable Hub:
week 1 – emerging artists – 28 September – 3 October
week 2 – midcareer artists – 5-10 October
week 3 – established artists – 12-17 October
Who is Translating Live to Online for? Professional theatre/ performance artists/makers at different stages of their careers: actors, dancers, playwrights, performance devisers, designers, etc
Applicants must have theatre/ performance as their main career and have professional experience, or studied theatre/ performance at third level.
These workshops are for practitioners living, working and substantially operating in Limerick city and county.To see if you are eligible please read more on the criteria here –
How to apply for Translating Live to Online: Please find the application form on the website – click this link The application form should be emailed to [email protected].
Application deadline is Friday, 11th September at 12 noon.