City Engage Week to focus on Local Renewable Energy in Limerick

OWNERS and occupiers of the city’s Georgian Neighbourhood and anyone with an interest in a sustainable future for Limerick City are being invited to take part in a week-long range of events focusing on sustainability and renewable energy for Limerick.

City Engage Week will take place from 14-18 September 2020 and is focused on the theme of local renewable energy, culminating with an event on Culture Night.

Limerick City and County Council wants to hear your opinions and ideas about co-creating a sustainable low carbon future for Limerick City Centre. The outcome of the City Engage week of activities will enable communities to share their vision of Limerick with the Council and project partners so that people can play an active role in determining how their community will develop into the future.

City Engage – Local Renewable Energy follows on from the hugely successful City Engage – Georgian Limerick Laneways which is working with local businesses and community groups to revitalise some of Limerick Georgian Neighbourhood Laneways. The results of these collaborations are due to be unveiled shortly.


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The City Engage series is part of the +CityxChange (Positive City Exchange) project funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020. The overall aim of the project seeks to create positive energy districts and influence citizen behaviour to meet the challenge of moving to a low carbon sustainable future.

There is a full calendar of events for City Engage – Local Renewable Energy, where participants can

  • map solar energy potential in the Georgian core
  • build their own energy monitor
  • learn about local energy communities
  • explore the potential of river turbine for a sustainable energy future

Also included in the programme are events with a broader focus, which ask citizens what kind of city they want to live in over the next 30 years and how to meet the challenges posed by climate change.

Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr Michael Collins said “City Engage is a fantastic way for citizens to share their ideas and play an active role in determining how Limerick will develop particularly in the context of climate change and sustainability.”

Rosie Webb, Head of Urban Innovation, Limerick City and County Council said: “The +CityxChange project seeks to adapt our historic city centre to new models of clean energy generation, consumption and distribution. Citizen engagement, innovation and buy-in is essential to harness this potential and ensure the development of sustainable communities and I would encourage anyone with an interest to sign up and attend at least one, if not all the events over the week in September.”

All events will take place online or fully Covid compliant, for full details check

Calendar of Events – City Engage – Local Renewal Energy 

Monday 14 Sept

Mapping Solar Potential in the Georgian Neighbourhood | 5.30pm to 6.45pm | Register here.

Local Renewable Energy Workshop in the Georgian Neighbourhood | 7pm to 7.45pm | Register here.

Tuesday 15 Sept

Community Auditing of Buildings and Local Renewables in the Georgian Neighbourhood | 5.30pm to 6.45pm | Register here.

Limerick City ‘the local Energy Hub’: local Energy Sharing |7pm to 7.45pm | Register here.

Wednesday 16 Sept

The Limerick We Want to Live in | 6pm to 7.30pm | Register here.

River Energy Potential for Limerick | 7.30pm to 8.30pm | Register here.

Thursday 17 Sept

Developing a Bold City Vision | 4.30pm – 6pm | Register here.

Storytelling Event – Energy Communities in Limerick’s Georgian Neighbourhood | 6pm to 7.30pm | Register here.

Friday 18 Sept Culture Night

Citizen Energy Monitoring Lab | 7pm – 8.30pm | Register here.
