THE Mayor of the City and County of Limerick, Councillor Michael Collins, has said that the commencement of the Opera Site this autumn is a huge boost to Limerick and the region at the right time.
Welcoming the announcement of the appointment of Cogent Associates as Project Managers for the €200m project, Councillor Collins said that the commencement of the project this year will be a platform for economic recovery in the city from COVID-19.
“The momentum is now definitely building ahead of the commencement of the Opera Site later this year and the appointment of project managers reflects that. The team is very much in place to lead this, the project is funded, it has planning and it’s moving fast on the tendering process so it’s really all systems go now for the project,” he said.
Mayor Collins said that the city, county and region has been waiting for the development of the Opera Site for well over a decade. “To have this project commence when our economy has taken such a hit because of COVID-19 is impeccable timing. It will be a springboard for the recovery here in Limerick.
“This is also very significant validation of the strategy developed by Limerick City and County Council to establish Limerick Twenty Thirty as a special purpose vehicle to develop iconic sites in the city and county into engine rooms for regional growth.
“Gardens International is already completed and almost entirely let, we have Opera about to start, it is master-planning the Mungret Park housing development and is also advancing on the Cleeves site.
“It’s essential in times like this that we can see a way forward and the wider Limerick Twenty Thirty project, not least now with Opera Site, is giving us that.”