New Consultant Gastroenterologist ULHG

Consultant Gatsroenterologist Dr Pardeep Kumar Maheshwari.

UL Hospitals Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Consultant Gatsroenterologist Dr Pardeep Kumar Maheshwari.

Dr Maheshwari’s appointment increases to four the number of consultants working in this specialty within the Group.

Dr Maheshwari is a graduate of Liaquat Medical School, Jamshoro, Pakistan. He has been a member of the Royal College of Physicians since 2011. He commenced specialist training in gastroenterology in 2011 in UHL and completed his higher specialist training in Galway University Hospitals, Tallaght University Hospital and Beaumont Hospital.

During his higher specialist training, Dr Maheshwari completed a Masters in Clinical Research from NUI Galway and a Diploma in Health Services Management from ICM UK.


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He completed a clinical fellowship in pancreatobiliary medicine in the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and he also worked in the north of England as Consultant Gastroenterologist in the Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust.

Dr Maheshwari is trained in IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), general gastroenterology and hepatology and has a special interest in therapeutic endoscopy, in particular ERCP (an endoscopic procedure to release bile duct and pancreas obstruction) and Endoscopic Ultrasound (to diagnose pancreas, bile duct disease and used in some cases as a treatment option).

“The Department of Gastroenterology at UHL has had two full-time consultants until now and with this new appointment, the aim is to expand the gastroenterology services further, providing more therapeutic endoscopy options locally by having additional ERCP lists and seeking to expand endoscopic ultrasound services,” Dr Maheshwari commented on taking up his appointment.
