LkLadyPod #21 Jen Ronan: Grief, Loss and a Global Pandemic

Ann Blake and Emma Langford host the Limerick Lady Podcast, sponsored by Ormston House

Recorded in early August, as Ireland was on the cusp of coming out of lockdown, grief and loss weighed heavy on the hearts of many. All three of this month’s podcasters have been bereaved, so the conversation naturally took in that experience, but they also discussed the grief that accompanies a loss of normalcy, and loss of livelihood.

If you are in need of grief support, free-phone Samaritans at 116123 or email [email protected]

Additional grief support links:


Sign up for the weekly Limerick Post newsletter

A grief website and online community for grieving people:
Irish Hospice Foundation:
For individuals and groups bereaved by suicide:
For children and young people aged 4 to 18 years, who are affected by loss through death, separation or divorce:


Follow Jen Ronan on Twitter @jayrow and Insta @the_jayrow and here

Follow Ann on Twitter @annblake78 and Insta @annblakeplay and The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra @bplo

Follow all things Emma and join her patreon here

Follow all things Ormston House @ormstonhouse and

Recorded with support from Ormston House Feminist Supermarket and The Limerick Post @limerickpost

This podcast goes out the third Thursday of every month or ‘Thirdsday’ – if you will.

Follow The Limerick Lady on Twitter @LkLadyHQ Insta @thelimericklady and ‘The Limerick Lady’ on Facebook

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