LkLadyPod #18 Sive: Why Do We Need Music Right Now?

Ann Blake and Emma Langford host the Limerick Lady Podcast, sponsored by Ormston House

Ann and Emma chat via the magic medium of Zoom with Kildare-based community musician Sadhbh O’Sullivan (AKA performing artist Sive). As we enter into the third month of pandemic restrictions, our hosts and guest explore the value of music right now for fostering a sense of community, and ask what elements of our dramatically different lives do we want to carry out of this pandemic as restrictions begin to lift?

Follow Sadhbh on Twitter @SiveMusic Insta @sive_music and support

Follow Ann on Twitter @annblake78 and Insta blakeo_23 and The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra @bplo See Ann perform an excerpt of her play, The Morning After The Life Before, in Stanzas on Friday May 22nd, for the celebrations of 5 years since Marriage Equality.


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Follow all things Emma and, as she has had to cancel tours and gigs please join her patreon here

Follow all things Ormston House @ormstonhouse and

Recorded with support from Ormston House Feminist Supermarket and The Limerick Post @limerickpost

This podcast goes out the third Thursday of every month or ‘Thirdsday’ – if you will.

Follow The Limerick Lady @LkLadyHQ and ‘The Limerick Lady’ on Facebook #LkLadyPod
