Watch: University of Limerick’s virtual St Patrick’s Day celebration

John Nutekpor - Voice and Percussion - Ghana and Nicolle Figueroa - Voice and Bodhrán - Mexico

UNIVERSITY of Limerick (UL) is virtually celebrating the spirit of St Patrick’s Day amid the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis by releasing a stunning new video.

The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance and the International Education Division at UL have collaborated with international and Irish students to mark St Patrick’s Day with a beautiful rendition of the song ‘Mo Ghile Mear’, in a video that celebrates the global nature of Irish culture, music and spirit.

Lecturer at the Irish World Academy, Mexican composer Oscar Mascarenas, arranged the Irish traditional song, which is performed by international vocalists singing as Gaeilge.

Dr Sandra Joyce, Director of the Irish World Academy at UL said with the current global pandemic, it is “more important than ever to focus on what connects us”.


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“With everything that is happening across the world right now, it is more important than ever to focus on what connects us, like culture, music and spirit. On March 17, we are all connected, we are all Irish,” said Dr Joyce.

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She noted the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance was delighted to collaborate with the International Education Division “to celebrate the diversity of the UL campus community”, saying the academy is “proud of our global community” having graduated students from more than 50 countries.

She said, “We are also pleased to present an Irish language song which is such an important part of the Irish tradition, Mo Ghile Mear – this was selected and arranged by our colleague from Mexico, Dr Oscar Mascarenas.

“All soloists and instrumentalists are from outside of Ireland, from countries such as the US, Mexico, China, Ghana and Estonia. They work very well with our talented choir of undergraduate singers from Ireland.

“We wish everyone a very happy St Patrick’s Day and hope you enjoy this snapshot of our beautiful campus and talented students.”
