Brain Awareness Week information evening moves online

AN INFORMATION evening focusing on local supports available to family members and carers of those living with neurological conditions due to take place this Thursday will now be available online.

The event coincides with National Brain Awareness Week which begins this week and marks the start of the ‘Love your Brain’ campaign led by the Neurological Alliance of Ireland.

The campaign aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of the brain and brain conditions as well as the need for more investment in services, research and prevention.

The information event due to take place led by Social Democrat Cllr Elisa O’Donovan, Family Carers Ireland and Headway is now moving online.


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Cllr O’Donovan said, “I have spent the last ten years working with people living with neurological conditions and the need to raise awareness of brain health is something that is very important in Limerick”.

The information session on local supports available for family members and carers of those living with neurological conditions will now take place as a Facebook Live session.

“I will hold a Facebook Live session on Thursday at 7pm to talk about the impact of living with neurological conditions and the Limerick supports that are available,” said Cllr O’Donovan, adding, “I will also provide information from Family Carers Ireland for carers on Covid19.”

This brain awareness week takes place at 7pm on Thursday, March 19 on Facebook at @elisaodonovanlimerick or contact Cllr O’Donovan on 087-9120231 for more information
