Online application for job seekers benefits

Limerick Chamber chief executive Dee Ryan Photo: Oisin McHugh

Limerick Chamber have released a statement regarding online applications for job seekers benefits.

Speaking about it, Dee Ryan said: “Many organisations are now trialling off-site working and report that they are able to conduct their business with staff operating remotely. However for others remote working is not feasible. Iโ€™ve today been having on-going communications with members who are anticipating making difficult decisions regarding work force in the coming week.

“In light of such, I have spoken to the Limerick Regional Manager in the department of Social Protection to seek clarification on what information is available to assist you should you have to institute short-time hours or lay-offs in the coming weeks.

“The department office in Limerick ย on Dominic Street is experiencing an unprecedented level of enquires and people attending offices to make applications.


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“In order to minimise public health risk ย and to discourage people arriving to the building, we are circulating the following information,”

“Forms can be completed and returned by post or through the letterbox of our local Limerick office.

“OR the Regional Manager has today said that completed application forms can be scanned, attached as PDFโ€™s and emailed toย [email protected]

“The Limerick office will be open at 9am tomorrow morning and available to take your calls onย 061 217 999

“We continue to press for a simplified social welfare application process, and one clear amount for employees and the self-employed. I am working through Kieran Oโ€™Donnell TD to communicate the need for this ease of access and certainty of amount to Minister Regina Doherty.

“Chambers Ireland, our national body, is also meeting Department of Taoiseach and Finance officials with the other employer and union bodies,” she added.
