AFTER eight months of indecision by councillors over the disposal of a site in Galvone Industrial Estate to Tait House Community Enterprise, the issue was back on their agenda once more this week.
Since last July, members of the Metropolitan District of Limerick City and County Council have deferred the disposal of two sites to Tait House on four separate occasions.
As well as the site in Galvone, local representatives also came to an impasse last summer over the disposal of a second site at 36 Cecil Street to the community development co-operative.
At last September’s meeting of the Metropolitan District, councillors called for Tait House to furnish them with more details of their plans for both sites.
At a full meeting of the City and County Council the following month, councillors urged their colleagues in the Metropolitan District to “get their house in order” and accused them of “playing pass the parcel” over delays when a decision was still not made.
This Monday, one of the two sites was back on the Council’s agenda for disposal to Tait House Community Enterprise.
At the meeting in City Hall, councillors noted the disposal of the former Provincial Flooring Building in Galvone to Tait House. It will now go before the full 40 members of Limerick City and County Council for a final decision in the near future.
But after a decision was finally reached, Fine Gael councillor Sarah Kiely asked to make a statement on the issue.
“When this agenda item came before us in July 2019, I had lots of questions and concerns. Timing was one and the process was another,” Cllr Kiely explained.
“At the meeting in July I came in for a lot of criticism, as a result of this it has weighed heavily on me. I was called anti-jobs among other things.
“Over the last few months I have been given assurances that all is as it should be. I am answerable to the people who elected me who have also raised concerns on this matter.
“I would like it noted I still have reservations. However I will on this occasion trust the executive. I look forward to the Southside Masterplan and the other proposed developments.
“I am now satisfied that I can’t do anything else on this issue. I have been assured everything is in hand and my concerns are being addressed,” the City East representative concluded.