MS Ireland Mid West announce the launch of a new innovative and Slaintecare funded project, ‘Active Neuro’

The Active Neuro project aims to provide exercise  and physiotherapy for people with neurological conditions. Exercise is an important part of managing the symptoms of stroke, Parkinson’s, MS or brain injury, and has been shown to have a beneficial effect on quality of life for these people.

The Active Neuro Project is funded by the Slaintecare Integration Fund and is a collaboration between MS Ireland, Primary Care Physiotherapy and a rage of other stakeholders.

Based at MS Irelands Mid-West office, the project aims to increase opportunities for people living with neurological conditions to take part in exercise and physiotherapy/physical activity programmes.


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Exercise is medicine for everyone – there are many research studies that show that exercise can improve physical and mental health and prevent development of other health issues. Exercise is even more important for people living with neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s, head injury or Multiple Sclerosis as it can have a beneficial effect on symptoms such as weakness, poor balance, fatigue, pain and stiffness.

We want to hear from people living with a neurological condition, their families and carers about what kind of programmes we should be developing and running. We are holding a public consultation on the 12th of February, at 10.30 AM in the Radisson, Ennis Road, Limerick and at 6.30 PM in the Kilmurray Hotel, Castletroy, Limerick. We are also hosting a stakeholder engagement event on Wednesday 26th February in the Radisson, Ennis Road, Limerick.

This event will provide a space where statutory and community organisations can discuss and map out current service provision for people living with a neurological condition. As highlighted by Dr. Susan Coote, ‘Active Neuro’ Project Manager, ‘there is a real need for organisations that are currently providing physiotherapy and exercise-based programmes for people in the community and for people living with a neurological condition to come together and share their knowledge, experience and highlight where they think the gaps are. Only when we know this can we attempt to address it’.

Individuals and organisations wishing to attend either event, can find out further information from Further information from[email protected] or 061 303 0802.
