On the Nail for poetry

The People's Museum in Pery Square.

THE 2nd literary On The Nail gathering of the year takes place on Thursday February 6 in The People’s Museum on Pery Square, with two guests reading.

Richard W. Halperin has Irish/ US dual nationality and his poetry has been widely published in Ireland and the UK. He has had six chapbooks published by Lapwing, Belfast; the most recent is ‘Prisms’, 2017.

Frances Browner grew up in Dublin, lived in New York for twenty years and now resides in Greystones, Wicklow. Much published, Frances facilitates the weekly workshop Scríobh Arís for Greystones Cancer Support and the monthly Poets Parlour open-mic locally. Her recent collection ‘Roots and Wings’ was published by Revival Press in 2020.

Dominic Taylor of Limerick Writers’ Centre across the road to the Museum is primary organiser with an open invitation to all to this friendly event that closes out with an open mic session for storytelling and song, plus a table for the trade of CDs, books etc of relevance.


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