Free Céilí Afro Dabke workshops and performance

Photo: Rory Kirby

CÉILÍ Afro Dabke is a world music céilí featuring African dance, traditional dabke dance from Palestine/ Syria and the old style Irish céilí dances.

The project features eight workshops in Palestinian dabke and African dance at Dance Limerick during January and February. These will finish with a public and free performance during the What Next Dance Festival on Saturday February 8, taking place at 8pm.

The providers are choreographer Catherine Young and the resource centre for dance that is Dance Limerick, located in John’s Square.

The series of workshops and the performance are open to all aged over 18, and free transport will be provided to people in local Direct Provision Centres. Workshops will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm, into February 6.


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“An invitation has been extended to individuals currently living in Direct Provision in Limerick city and the surrounding area, with the help of Doras (formerly Doras Luimní),” explains Emer Casey of Dance Limerick. “Doras is an independent non-profit organisation, working to support and promote the human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Limerick and the wider Mid-West region.

“We hope that by taking part in the project all our attendees will widen their social circles, make new friends and discover a love of dance!”
