Film review – Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

IT is hard not to be cynical about ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’.

Forty-two years after the first movie of the three trilogies hit our screens, JJ Abrams now brings the saga to a rather soulless and unsatisfying conclusion.

Although far from the worst in the series, The Rise of Skywalker is still probably one of the less memorable tales from a galaxy far far away.

If anything this is pure rehash and nothing more than Star Wars’ greatest hits. This in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. This final chapter is definitely a more pleasurable watch than ‘The Last Jedi’, but it is just a pity that Episode IX didn’t go out baring its teeth.


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I was seven when ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’ opened in Limerick cinemas. I still have vivid memories of my late dad taking my brother and I to see this most unforgettable of movies and the lasting impression it had on us.

I took my own boys to see the movie this Christmas and while my 10-year-old was deeply engrossed in the film, my seven-year-old son was left with a perplexing question for the duration of the film. And no, it was nothing to do with Rey’s complex origin story.

“How much longer is this going to go on for?” he asked.

I felt his frustration.

The Rise of Skywalker, though long, is worth a watch, but sadly, leaves no impression. It is all bit of a muddle; one that weighs too heavily on former glories.


ODEON Limerick is this week giving away one pair of tickets and two large combo meals for a film of your choice at their cinema at the Castletroy Shopping Centre.

To be in with a chance answer the following question and email your answer to [email protected] by 9am on Monday January 6.

Who directed ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’?

A. George Lucas

B. Steven Spielberg

C. JJ Abrams

