Councillor will not be intimidated after masked men attack his home

Fergus Kilcoyne's car which was damaged outside his home in Patrickswell. Photo: Press 22

A LIMERICK Councillor whose home was attacked by masked men last week has said he will “not be intimidated”.

Non-Party councillor Fergus Kilcoyne was back at work last Thursday, despite being “traumatised” by the violent attack on his family home in Patrickswell the previous Monday morning.

A number of masked men arrived at his home in the village at around 4.45am when they smashed windows in the house as well as damaging both his own and his wife’s car that were parked outside

Gardaí are treating the matter extremely seriously but have not commented on a possible motive for the attack.


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Fergus Kilcoyne, Independent. Photo: Cian Reinhardt

Mr Kilcoyne said: “It was horrific, horrific. My wife is in bits. She is not even sleeping at night, she is sitting up at night watching out the windows in case they come back, so the kids can get sleep.”

“We are taking turns in keeping a look out, it’s gone that bad. No one should have to live that way,” he added.

Citing the kidnap and attack on Cavan businessman Kevin Lunney, he said that what happened to himself and his family was “a form of intimidation”.

Mr Kilcoyne said he, his wife, and their four children – all aged in their 20s – were asleep in their home when the attack occurred.

“The noise of breaking glass was like bullets going through the windows. There was eight or nine panes of glass that went in. The cars are probably written off, there was a lot of damage, between €30,000 and €40,000 damage done, in two minutes.”

When asked about a possible motive for the attack he replied: “I’m not going to comment, that’s up the Gardaí. I’m hoping they’ll get to the bottom of it,” he added.

Mr Kilcoyne, who has run The Dark Horse Bar in Patrickswell for the past 21 years, attended a council meeting at City Hall last Thursday morning.

Speaking afterwards, he said, despite the attack, he remained undeterred in his work.

“I’ve to get on with life, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t in my head. You just have to keep a brave front and fight on. No one has intimidated me yet,” he added.

Fellow publican and Metropolitan District Cathaoirleach James Collins, said: “It’s a very difficult time for him and there was unanimous support for him at City Hall.”

“Fergus is a first-time councillor. It’s not something we would like to see in Limerick, and hopefully the people responsible will be brought to justice,” he added.

Fine Gael Councillor Olivia O’Sullivan expressed her shock at what happened.

“We all wanted to offer our solidarity to Fergus, and show our concern for him and his wife and children. Everyone was appalled to hear what happened.”

“It’s a terrible threat on a public representative who is just doing his job and getting on with his life and business and family. It’s a threat to community, to family and also to democracy and it is also something that can’t in any way be tolerated,” she added.

A Garda spokesman said they were investigating a criminal damage incident on November 25 in the Barnkyle area of Patrickswell. At approximately 4:45am, a number of suspects caused significant damage to a house and two cars.”

“No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing. We are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed the incident to contact Gardaí in Roxboro Road on 061-214340,” the spokesman added.
