Jason’s generous girl uses her noodle to help others

Sarah Corbett Lynch
A BOOK to help grieving children cope with the loss of a parent has been written by the 13-year-old daughter of a LImerick man brutally murdered in the USA.
Sarah Corbett Lynch was just a few weeks old when her 31-year-old mother, Margaret ‘Mags’ Fitzpatrick, died from a severe asthma attack.
In August 2015, Sarah’s father Jason was murdered in North Carolina by her stepmother, Molly Martens, and Molly Marten’s father, Thomas.

For the past four years, Sarah and her brother have been in the care of Jason’s sister, Tracey, and her husband, Dave, in Limerick.

Sarah has shown her talent and has helped cope with her own grief by writing the children’s book saga, called “The Boogawooga Series,” which aims to help children face challenges in their lives.

‘Noodle loses Dad’ is the first in the series and Sarah has already received widespread praise for her literary debut.

The title “Boogawooga” comes from a story her late father used to tell Sarah and her brother Jack as children.


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“I began writing because I found it helped me,” Sarah said in an interview with the Irish Independent.

“I was just eight when I lost my Dad. He was incredible and the most important person in our lives.

“I wanted to write about my experiences because I thought they might help someone else. I realised that I wasn’t the only person in life trying to deal with grief, loss and the worry about new things and fitting in at new places.”

A portion of the proceeds of ‘Noodle loses Dad’ will go to the Limerick Children’s Grief Project.

The book was launched in O’Mahony’s bookshop in the city centre this week.

More information on Sarah’s book can be found at sarahcorbettlynch.com
