Gardaí believe they have prevented loss of life after recovering handguns during raid on house in Limerick

Gardai in Limerick believe they have “prevented” loss of life in the city after recovering two handguns in a house last night, according to an informed source.

Detectives, supported by armed gardai, carried out a planned raid on a house in Ballynanty around 7.30pm.

Gardai obtained a search warrant in the courts on foot of receiving intelligence of a credible threat to life.

Two men, aged in their 50s and 20s, and a boy aged in his latest teens were arrested in connection with the investigation.


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The garda probe is focussed on alleged gangland activity on the north side of Limerick city, the source said.

Gardai believe they have prevented loss of life by removing the guns from circulation, they added.

The source said last night’s planned operation in Ballynanty was part of an investigation into alleged “gangland” activities on the north side of the city.

“This is not a low-level operation. It was a significant result,” they added.

Praising gardai who were involved the last night’s operation, they said: “It just demonstrates serious organised criminality is still there, and it is a good reflection on the detectives in the city who have been keeping a lid on things and preventing serious offences.”

The two handguns are to be sent to Garda Ballistics section at Garda HQ, in Dublin, for certification.

Garda Ballistics officers will also test the firearms to see if they have been used in any previous attempts on life or past murders.

A garda spokesman said a “search carried out by Detectives of Mayorstone Garda station assisted by the Divisional Drugs Unit members and Regional Armed Support Unit” had “seized two firearms during a search of a house under warrant in Ballynanty in the north side of Limerick City”.

“Three men (50s, 20s & a teenager) were arrested at the scene and taken to Henry Street Garda station and Roxboro Road Garda station where they are all detained under Section 30 Offences Against the State Act, 1939.”

“Investigations ongoing and there is no photograph of the firearms,” the spokesman added.
