AN EXHIBITION of artwork produced by students from St. Canice’s Special School in Limerick was launched this week at Mary Immaculate College.
It will be open for viewing during the month of November and is the first major exhibition of artwork by St Canice’s students outside of the classroom setting.
The exhibition was created in partnership with the Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED) Project in the Curriculum Development Unit and the Department of Arts Education and Physical Education at MIC.
The exhibition, entitled ‘Identity’, features pieces of art from four students aged between 14 and 17 and includes collage materials, mixed media, spray paint and lights.
Over five weeks in May the students worked with Limerick artist, Sheila Richardson, in the Art Studio at Mary Immaculate College. Using the image of the head as a starting point, the students explored possibilities, which were brought to life in the form of an artwork.