Sunday evening free concert at St Mary’s Cathedral

5pm baton raised on Sunday November 3.

ST MARY’S Cathedral signals a return to a fulltime music programme after what was a busy summer at this venue. There’s another series there to watch and listen to, the October lunchtime lectures which began on Tuesday this week, concentrating on heritage.

Head of music at St Mary’s, chorister and organist Peter Barley flags notice of ‘An Evening with Tim Reynish’ on Sunday November 3 at 5pm. Mr Reynish will conduct a free concert for the community, promoted by the Irish Symphonic Wind Orchestra, but who is he?

“Tim Reynish is a most distinguished conductor and teacher who is coming to Limerick from November 1 to 3 to tutor talented brass and wind playing students,” Peter reports.

The Wednesday lunchtime programme of free high-end classical music and choral recitals is stronger than ever. Wednesday November 6 at 1.15pm presents Yuki Nishioka on violin who will be accompanied by a regular friend to the Cathedral, pianist Irina Dernova.


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