Season classes in visual art and choral

Gillian Jonker's pig portrait for Milk Market's Art of Pigtown.

Art classes at The People’s Museum

ARTLIMERICK is a community of artists close to 100 in number and from all walks of life.  From September 10 they start adult art classes at The People’s Museum, No. 2 Pery Square on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings. Suitable for beginners as well as experienced painters, it runs on a ‘pay as you wish’ basis, with donations going towards upkeep of the building, now under the auspices of Limerick Civic Trust.

Enquiries to Kathy Tiernan at [email protected] or 086-0778787.


Could you sing Handel’s Messiah?

LIMERICK Choral Union has an open night for new members on Tuesday September 10 at 8pm at Christchurch Limerick, O’Connell Street. Rehearsals are every Wednesday night at 8pm and choristers will be learning/ rehearsing Handel’s ‘Messiah’ for the Christmas concert in University Concert Hall on Saturday December 7. Look forward to preparatory work on Beethoven’s ‘Choral Fantasia’, ‘Mass in C’ and ‘9th Symphony’ for a Spring performance.


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Malcolm Green is musical director.

“We are looking for people who can sing in tune and love singing,” says chair Darragh Curtin. “Previous choral experience is not essential and you will be partnered with an existing member to assist and help you get started.”

See online or contact 089-2267899 or arrive on Tuesday 10.


Limerick Camera Club calling

MEETING in Mary Immaculate College weekly from Wednesday September 11 at 8pm, the 75-strong Limerick Camera Club welcomes new recruits. Keen amateur and professional photographers convene for at least an hour and discuss techniques, concepts and processes.

Special guest speakers are invited for masterclass and educational units and there is a monthly competition among members for the 1st Wednesday. The Club travels overseas, last year to Venice and there is typically an excursion in the month for photography and fun to a place in Ireland.

Browse on; also facebook and Instagram, and show up next Wednesday.
