VISITOR restrictions have been imposed at University Hospital Limerick with a number of patients suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms which are currently under investigation.
A hospital spokesman said that all necessary infection prevention and control measures are being put in place to manage this outbreak.
In total there are 14 patients showing symptoms (diarrhoea and vomiting) in two wards in UHL.
Strict visiting restrictions are now in place, as follows:
Ward 3A: Complete ban on visitors
Ward 3C: Restricted visiting
In the interests of patient safety, it is also necessary to reduce footfall to all areas of the hospital to better manage the outbreak and facilitate cleaning.
Until further notice, only one visitor per patient is allowed and during visiting hours (2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 9pm) only. Members of the public are reminded not to bring children on visits anywhere in the hospital. Parents of children in Paediatrics and relatives of those in Critical Care are the only exceptions to this restriction. We regret any inconvenience these necessary precautions may cause to patients and their loved ones.
The spokesman said:”The Department of Microbiology is currently investigating the cause of these symptoms and an update will be issued in due course.
“We thank members of the public for co-operating with staff in relation to the visitor restrictions and other control measures.
“In particular we appeal to people who may be unwell with gastrointestinal symptoms themselves not to visit the hospital and for patients presenting to hospital with such symptoms to immediately inform staff of same to allow for the necessary precautions to be taken.”