GARDAÍ have launched a new campaign called “Use your brains not your fist” to tackle assaults on young men at night time.
The campaign aims to make people wise up to the consequences of assaulting another person, which could leave perpetrators facing losing their job or even doing jail time.
It also aims to remind people of the potential mental and physical impact on assault victims.
The campaign follows the Gardaí investigating a string of assaults that have occurred recently Limerick city centre.
Henry Street crime prevention officer Sergeant Ber Leetch has given advice to young people on getting home safe after a night out.
She said: “First thing is never attempt to reason with drunk or aggressive people. Walk away and look for help, this is what the vast majority of people do, it is also the tougher thing to do but it means you’ll be safer from serious harm and not breaking the law”.
Sgt. Leetch has insisted that it’s important to be streetwise on nights out and that planning is key. “Arrange transport to and from events in plenty of time. Let someone know where you are going and when you’ll be back. Be wary of your surroundings so avoid walking alone and in dark places and mind your property”.
“Some victims of assaults, particularly men, are embarrassed to say that they have been assaulted. I would encourage anybody, and in particular younger men, to report all assaults to An Garda Síochána,” concluded Sgt. Leetch.