Shannon ABC to receive more than €1m worth of new equipment from EI Technology Gateway Programme

An investment of more than €1 million in new equipment for the Shannon Applied Biotechnology Centre (ABC) will significantly enhance its research capabilities, enabling it to provide further support to Irish companies.

That is according to Vice President for Research Development and Innovation LIT Dr Liam Brown who was commenting on the announcement by Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys TD, that the Enterprise Ireland co-funded collaborative Technology Gateway between Limerick Institute of Technology and the Institute of Technology, Tralee, is to receive more than one sixth of the Technology Gateway Network Programme’s capital fund. 

There were 43 successful applicants from the Institutes of Technology (IoT) and TU Dublin to the €6 million Technology Gateway Network Programme’s capital fund; with 12 successful applications, Shannon ABC secured €1 million of that funding.

Dr Brown said, “As a flagship Research Centre and collaborative Technology Gateway between LIT and IT Tralee, the new equipment will significantly enhance our research capabilities and provide key support for Irish companies. It will assist in further expanding Shannon ABC’s R&D support for a range of sectors including food, cosmetic, nutraceutical, marine, biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, environmental and healthcare.” 

The Shannon ABC, which primarily focuses on the Life Sciences, Food and Biotechnology sectors, had 12 successful applicants to the capital fund.


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The winners were selected through a rigorous evaluation process based on eligibility criteria for the call which included, but was not limited to, a strong track record of industry engagement, a significant industrial need for the new equipment, and space to service and maintain the equipment according to international standards.

According to Shannon ABC’s Centre Manager, Dr Tim Yeomans, “Since 2014  Shannon ABC has partnered with over 100  Irish companies, delivering in excess of 180 projects to a value of €2.5 million, as well as securing €12.5 million in core research funding.” 

The availability of new start of the art equipment will provide a significant resource for Irish companies who engage with LIT and IT Tralee through the Shannon ABC. 

