Limerick City Councillor Joe Leddin has called for a review on the current fast track planning process which facilitates developers looking to bypass local Councils in securing planning permission for large scale housing developments within a 16- week timeframe.
The process as currently structured provides for a minimum of two pre-planning consultative meetings between applicants and planners but does not provide or require any public consultation process in the form of public meetings.
“The proposed 100 apartment development at Punches Cross has raised concerns locally in the context of the proposed height reaching to several stories and also the potential traffic implications on adjacent roads including Rosbrien Road, Ballinacurra Road, O’Connell Avenue and New Street,” said Cllr Leddin.
“While its great to have a derelict site for over twenty years developed it is important that any new buildings enhance the surrounding area without being visually obtrusive. I welcome clarification from the planners that the proposed two retail units will not displace existing local businesses and that no food outlets will be permitted.
“In addition, I have asked that consideration be given towards the placement of the higher storey buildings to the rear of the site rather than on the Rosbrien and Ballinacurra Road side while planning permission will be required beyond the fifteen-year period should a future residential change of use be proposed.”