Team Limerick Clean-Up (TLC) has today launched the latest batch of their limited-edition reusable cups, with the current Munster and All-Ireland champion hurlers, the Limerick senior men’s team, including Aaron Gillane, William O’Donoghue, Kevin Downes, Barry Murphy, Geariod Hegarty and Paul Browne, lending their support.
The cup, which comes in the green of Limerick and red of Munster, features ex-Munster captain and TLC ambassador Paul O’Connell’s signature and aims to help educate people that even the smallest actions have an impact on our environment.
Photo by Diarmuid Greene
Having seen a record-breaking near-21,000 incredible volunteers take to the streets of Limerick City and county on Good Friday, it is clear the people of Limerick are very aware of the environment and waste, and as a result TLC has become so much more than just a one-day clean-up.
The global Movement #PlasticFreeJuly, now running since 2017, encourages society to reduce plastic waste in their households and live a waste-free lifestyle. It aims to teach people the tools to change their habits, that as individuals we make an impact and to reduce our reliance on plastic. It is never too late to get involved and start making those small changes in your life to become more environmentally friendly.
One way is by using a TLC reusable cup! Anybody wishing to obtain a limited-edition cup is asked to either visit the TLC social media pages, or email [email protected] and in 20 words or less, say what their favourite part of Team Limerick Clean-Up is. Cups are extremely limited, so the best entries will be sent one, free of charge.
Photo by Diarmuid Greene
Team Limerick Clean-Up co-founder Helen O’Donnell said, ”We had a great response from the public for the first batch of our cups, so ahead of Limerick’s huge All Ireland semi-final we are giving TLC fans another chance to get their hands on the limited-edition item. There are very few left, so anybody who’s interested in obtaining one and doing their bit for the environment in the process, should visit our social media pages.”
Team Limerick Clean-Up is an initiative sponsored by the JP McManus Benevolent Fund and supported by Limerick City and County Council. Endorsed by Paul O’Connell, the official partners include Mr Binman, the Limerick Leader, Limerick Post and Limerick Live 95FM.