Inspection found serious issues at Newcastle West nursing home

Killeline Nursing Home, Newcastle West

ALLEGATIONS of abuse, ย inappropriate meal plans and issues around medication were made during an inspection of a Newcastle West nursing home last March.

The unannounced inspection ofย the Killeline Nursing Home was carried out by the ย Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) who highlighted a ย number of inconsistencies.

The report stated that there were 60 residents at the County Limerick facility when the inspection was carried out.

HIQA inspector, Mary Oโ€™Mahony, found that a number of complaints logged could be interpreted as abuse allegations and were not investigated.


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Although required under regulation, these allegations were not reported to the Office of Chief inspector.

Additionally, an ongoing safeguarding allegation had not been clearly addressed in line with the safeguarding policy. Appropriate action was not used in order to prevent the resident from further alleged abusive interactions.

One resident was found to have a meal plan in which the texture of the meal was not suitable to their medical needs and presentedย a choking hazard for the ย patient.

According to the report, clarification was required for a number of prescribed drugs in terms of dose and administration.

One nurse noticed that a resident was being prescribed a medicine which was deemed unsafe. However the medicine was not documented as being discontinued and remained prescribed.

More discrepancies were found in the records between the pharmacist and the medical administration sheet, which was signed by a doctor.

A resident had their medication changed by a doctor but the medicine was still in its blister pack while another residentโ€™s medication had fallen on the floor and it was not clear if another dose was administered.

Other issues included the lack of knowledge of end-of-life care plans by the staff, including each residents resuscitation wishes and a lack of readily available occupational therapy and physiotherapy, which had a negative impact on one resident.

Ms Oโ€™Mahony, acknowledges โ€˜the cooperation and assistance of all the people who participated in the inspection.โ€™

Management at the nursing home responded to the report with assurance that they have assessed the issues and made changes based on the recommendations made.
