Cambridge choir for Friday lunchtime at the Cathedral

Today, Friday 12 at 1.15pm - free in.

THERE will be an exceptional lunchtime concert at St Mary’s Cathedral this Friday July 12 with a guest choir visiting from Cambridge as part of an Irish tour. We, the community, are privileged to be able to hear St John’s Voice sing in concert from 1.15pm to 1.55pm for free. The director is Graham Walker and Cambridge’s record in minting great church choirs is sterling.

On the programme, anticipate Bach’s ‘Lobet den Herrn’ and Langlais’ ‘Messe Solennelle’ as well as music by Monteverdi, Byrd and Stanford.

This being high summer, the weekly Wednesday lunchtime concert series continues for one more date in July only, at the 851 year old cathedral. On Wednesday 17, a choir visits from Germany, Jugend Kammerchor St Margareta.

Thereafter, there is a break in service until Wednesday August 14 when a rare piano duet will play at 1.15pm. The musicians are Kym Corridan and David King.


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Move on a fortnight then to Wednesday August 28. Again, two musicians play a programme as yet unknown. They are Andreea Banciu on viola and Aileen Cahill on piano.

Details of all musical events held in St Mary’s are available online at and note that there is a retiring collection at the free concerts to support the annual schedule that offers so much to Limerick.
