The Captain’s table for lunchtime poetry

Fridays in July.

THE annual summer poetry reading and music experience at The Hunt Museum begins on Friday July 5, delighting for an hour at 1pm. The Captain’s Room is venue and admission is free.

Steven Bond and Mary Lavery Carrig will open the lunchtime series which will always be preceded by live music so be sure to arrive for seating in time by 12.50pm.

Steven Bond is a Joycean scholar of note and has launched his first collection of poetry ‘Checkerworks’ (Revival Press).

He has fitting company in Mary Lavery Carrig, who has featured regularly on RTÉ Radio 1’s ‘Sunday Miscellany’. Her ‘Four Letters’ are included in the ‘Let Us Rise’, the Limerick Soviet Anthology.


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Set aside lunchtime Fridays July 12, 19 and 26 thereafter for a mix of names and works.
