INDUSTRIAL action scheduled to take place in 38 hospitals across the country, and would have impacted UL Hospitals Group hospitals in Limerick has been deferred.
A statement released by University of Limerick Hospitals Group Welcomed the deferral, but says with some exceptions, all outpatient appointments and elective surgeries will go ahead.
“UL Hospitals Group welcomes the deferral of industrial action by Siptu members that was due to take place on June 20th at University Hospital Limerick, University Maternity Hospital Limerick and Croom Orthopaedic Hospital.
With a small number of exceptions, all outpatient appointments and elective procedures will now go ahead as planned at the three sites. Most patients whose appointments or procedures had been cancelled have now been contacted and rescheduled.”
A small number of patients who were scheduled for colonoscopy at UHL on Thursday will be rescheduled at a later date as the decision to defer strike action did not allow sufficient time to make the necessary preparations for the procedure. The colonoscopy unit will prioritise inpatients for Thursday’s list.”