New poetry from critic Hugh McFadden

Friday May 31 launch.

YET another launch of a volume of poetry is arranged by the prolific Limerick Writers’ Centre. The writer in question is the literary critic Hugh McFadden and his book ‘Organic Words’ will be launched on Friday May 31 in The White House Bar, O’Connell Street at 7.30pm.

The Madrid-based Limerick poet John Liddy has launch honours. Everybody is welcome.

With a background in national newspapers as news copy editor, he has taught journalism at DIT and has four books of poetry to his name at this stage.

From Dominic Taylor of LWC, we hear that “the essays, articles and reviews collected in ‘Organic Words’ represent a generous selection of Hugh McFadden’s work as a writer and book reviewer for literary magazines, journals and newspapers spanning more than 50 years.” Such publications include Books Ireland, The Dictionary of Irish Biography, Hibernia, Irish Book Review, Irish University Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Studies, The Irish Press Group, The Irish Independent, The Irish Times, and The Sunday Tribune.


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