The Woman in the Mirror

Left, Niamh Bowen with cast member Stephanie Ryan for Belltable premiere.

A LEADING name with Impact Theatre Company in its Beckett friendly impetus, actress Niamh Bowen returns to the Limerick stage with Northside Misfits Community Drama Group. The show is another original devised together by this prolific group led by dramaturg and film-maker Karen Fitzgibbon in an annual programme funded by LCETB. ‘The Woman in the Mirror’ presents at Belltable this Friday May 24 at 8pm.

It’s five years since the Misfits opened shop with ‘taLK’. This social-comment piece was conceived during Limerick City of Culture buoyancy which led to the Misfits being invited to Manchester’s legendary Day Parade and on to other stories.

From Karen Fitzgibbon, we hear that “‘The Woman in the Mirror’ is Jane’s story, a woman who has hopes and dreams but worries she has left it too late to follow them through. She is reluctantly drawn into the world of plastic surgery and its obsessive dark side.

“She soon realises that what we see in mirrors is what we should see and why complicate things by making what we see not what we see? An old grudge, a white lie, a misunderstanding, a thrilling comedy!”


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