Sponsored: Election profile – Elisa O’Donovan, Social Democrats

1. Tell us about your background?

 I am a proud Limerick woman who is passionate about Limerick City and its people. Through my work with Headway, Disability Federation of Ireland, SwimableLimerick and Limerick Public Participation Network, I have been actively involved with many communities throughout our city and county. I have always been a strong advocate for equality and diversity in politics

2. What do you hope to achieve if elected?

Limerick needs a public transport system that is fit for purpose, links all the hubs around the city, and is built on public consultation and joined up thinking. I am an active voice in the Limerick cycling community and have led campaigns for cycling infrastructure. We need stationless bike schemes to provide a public bike sharing system to Dooradoyle, Raheen and Mungret areas.


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 Investment in community amenities and public services- Through my SwimableLimerick initiative I have facilitated a public swimming area in Limerick City.

Community based consultation: As the organiser of the first Limerick ‘Community Day’ I believe in improving the face of our city through real engagement and inclusion with its people.

Local environmental issues:  I am actively engaged with water quality monitoring of the River Shannon and am passionate about saving our city’s green spaces. I am an invited speaker at the Mindscape summit in UL later this month where I will be speaking on the positive impact of nature in the urban environment on our health and well-being.

3. The best reason for someone to give you their vote?

The Social Democrats in Limerick bring a positive, empathetic approach to local politics that is rooted in evidence based planning, accountability and reasoned responses to community issues.  I am proud to be an allied health professional with an extensive background in research and policy and a strong sense of what is needed on the ground.
