Sponsored: Election profile – Anne Cronin, Labour

1. Tell us about your background?

MY NAME is Anne Cronin and I am a first time local election candidate for Labour in Limerick City North. Originally from Kerry, I moved to Limerick in 1994 to study in UL and it has been my home since. I live in Belfield Gardens with my children and partner. I work for a national housing charity for the past 16 years, as their head of services.

I have set up services for people who are homeless including families, young adults coming out of state care and people with intellectual disabilities. I see myself as a potential voice in local government for people who are marginalised, trapped in poverty and without homes.

2. What do you hope to achieve if elected?

MY ambition is that our local authority commits to a robust public housing programme that ensures adequate social and affordable housing for all our citizens. I want tenants to pay fair rent, are provided with security of tenure and have access to a variety of housing models. Our local authority owns enough land in the city to make this a reality.

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The health needs of our citizens must also be prioritised. One way to do this is ensuring the long-awaited introduction of Slaintecare.

I am a committed cycling advocate and I want the city and its surrounds to become safer and more accessible by bike.

3. The best reason for someone to give you their vote?

I AM committed to serving the public good and will continue to do so with integrity and conviction. As a parent of a young family, I will represent our young people’s call for action on climate change. I will be the voice of our most vulnerable citizens and ensure that those that live in poverty will have the opportunity to recover from social marginalisation.

I would like Limerick to become Ireland’s first trauma informed city, where all citizens are treated equally and justly.
