Local photographer appeals for information on missing equipment

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A LOCAL photographer has appealed to people with information on his missing camera equipment to come forward.

Pat Murphy says he is “devastated at losing this equipment which I’ve struggled to put together for a number of years and would love to see it returned.”

Mr Murphy who says photography was a lifelong hobby of his is appealing to people who were in Currachase Forest Park, County Limerick on Tuesday, March 26.

“I would like through your newspaper to appeal to anybody who was in Currachase forest park on Tuesday last 26th March between 4 and 5 near the barriers at Currachase did they see anyone pick up  camera equipment with Camouflage covers and  monopod attached    about 100 metres from the barriers especially like to appeal to  the three persons who wear  wearing Red tops /jumpers or  also Car drivers. Somebody had to see something.”


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“Just a simple phone call will do or hand it in anywhere,” he said.

Anybody with information is asked to contact Pat on 0879565907.
