GOING to school is intended to help children grow up but at Corpus Christi primary school in Moyross, they’re also learning to just grow – grow their own food.
Last week the children, their teacher, Liam Kelly and parents turned the ground on their new garden at the Moyross Community Centre and they are now planning now to plant all kinds of delicious fruit and vegetables.
The class have been busy working on the project to promote growing their own fruit and vegetables at home, as opposed to buying in stores.
“They have been learning about the advantages of growing locally, and the implications of this. We have even came up with the slogan “Grow your own range, prevent climate change’, Liam told the Limerick Post.
“We are trying to get the message across on a community scale at the moment, but would be extremely proud to showcase it to the people of Limerick,” Liam added.
The youngsters are hugely enthused about the project and from now until harvest time, they will visit the garden regularly to weed and water their growing produce.
“It will get them out of the classroom into the air and its teaching a number of important life skills,” said Liam.
“They can take fruit and vegetables home to eat and, at the end of the project, we’re hoping to have a small market day to sell whatever produce is over.
“It’s a win-win situation”.