Limerick rapper Hazey features on Somewhere in Ireland series


LIMERICK rapper Hazey features in the first of a five part music video made by director Brownsauce in association with Limerick hip hop promoters Prescription and SESH FM. Described by the makers as a “film, music video, animation and ode to Irish rap where nine artists engage and disengage with the work life, dress the part, act the maggot and die a little inside.”

The series called ‘Somewhere in Ireland’ is hosted by SESH TV on YouTube.  There will be a live film premiere/ gig hosted by Prescription at Pharmacia on Friday January 18.

Part One of ‘Somewhere in Ireland’ has clocked up thousands of views within hours of release; the video is sharp and funny with a killer track from Hazey and skits and teasers for the next part to drop this Thursday morning. Even The Limerick Post Newspaper features in a cameo.


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Director Jack O’Flynn, AKA Brownsauce, commented:

“I had no location money or encouragement to start such a large project, yet here we are, months later releasing the first part of ‘Somewhere in Ireland’.”

“Living in Limerick’s vibrant bizarre mishmash community of multidisciplinary artists and musicians made me want to create a single project that could show everybody’s work – from fine art sculpture to print, photography, painting, music, videography and animation.”

