New Croom school on schedule for completion next year

CONSTRUCTION is well underway for the new multi-million state-of-the-art Coláiste Chiaráin school campus on a 22-acre greenfield site in Croom.

With Minister of State Patrick O’Donovan performing the official sod–turning ceremony last August, the main contractor MMD Construction has now been on site since early October and progress is well underway on what is the biggest project of its kind in Limerick city and county.

The total value of the building project will be between €15 and €20 million and construction is slated for completion in the final quarter of 2019.

To date, the site has been cleared entirely and the footprint of the new building and playing pitches are clearly visible as the project begins to take shape.


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All perimeter fencing and hoarding has been erected. Preparatory ground works have commenced for the construction of three full sized playing pitches for GAA, rugby and soccer. The installation of critical infrastructure such as storm water drainage is also underway, as are the foundations for the main school building.

“The developments on site are very welcome and are generating great excitement among the whole school community,” said Acting Principal, Gerard O’Sullivan.

“The new school building is in a wonderful setting adjacent to Croom Orthopaedic Hospital and the size and scale of the school campus is being greeted with much optimism and excitement. The students currently enrolling for admission in September 2019 will make history by being the first cohort of students to enrol into our new state of the art campus,” he explained.

The new school will consist of a two-storey building of almost 10,000m² designed by Healy Partner Architects. The main contractor MMD, appointed in June, is a Cork-based construction company, which has a wide range of experience and expertise in many types of construction projects, including schools.

The campus will incorporate over 60 teaching spaces, which will facilitate delivery of  a broad curriculum to 850 students. The development of pitches and external play areas on the site, together with a full-sized PE hall will enable a diverse range of extra-curricular activities on the new school campus.

The provision of a Special Education Needs Unit will ensure that the educational requirements of the entire school community are met.


