‘Build your Tribe’ BNest Workshop aims to help people make a difference in their community

The ‘Build your Tribe’ workshop will take place at Mr. Taits Café at Tait House Community Enterprise at Collins Avenue, Roxboro Road on Thursday, November 22 at 6.30pm. Pictured are Kasia Zabinska, BNest, Eamon Ryan, founder BNest, Tracey Lynch, CEO Tait House Community Enterprise and Pauline Gannon, BNest. Picture: ilovelimerick

BNEST – the first social enterprise incubator in Ireland is inviting people to a community engagement workshop titled ‘Build your Tribe’ at Mr Taits Café on Thursday, November 22.

The workshop is for people involved in a social enterprise, not-for-profit, community projects or for people raising money for a cause close to their hearts who want to build a community around that cause. If this is you, come for this evening workshop to explore and discuss different ways to build and sustain your tribe.

Jennifer Murphy, a marketing expert who’s currently working on a community initiative in Castleconnell said of the workshop, “I will present some community engagement principles and offer various practical techniques for creating and sustaining a network of volunteers, advocates, and institutions around your idea to maximise your social impact.”

Kasia Zabinska of BNest will join Jennifer to outline approaches you can use to communicate and influence others. BNest is an initiative created specifically to support social entrepreneurs and nurture their start-ups and caters to all types of organisations from charities to businesses with a social conscience.


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Kasia said, “The event is free and open to all and these two talks will be followed by an open panel discussion so please join us whether you’re interested in learning more about this concept or already have the experience and want to share your insights with others. The venue we picked for this community engagement workshop is special – Mr Tait’s Café in Roxboro Rd is a social enterprise, so customers can enjoy delicious food while also supporting members of the local community. This event is one of our open monthly events which have huge success in offering outreach and support to the Limerick community.”

The ‘Build your Tribe’ workshop will take place at Mr Taits Café at Tait House Community Enterprise at Collins Avenue, Roxboro Road on Thursday, November 22 at 6.30pm.

For more info email [email protected] or visit www.BNest.ie/events
