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6/8/2018 Attending Smyths Bar were Tara McInerney, Raheen, Chloe Quaid, Garryowen and Kerrie Anne Kelly, Prospect.
Pic: Gareth Williams
6/8/2018 Attending Smyths Bar were Glenn O' Halloran, Caherdavin and Jonathan McMahon, Kileely.
Pic: Gareth Williams
6/8/2018 Attending Smyths Bar were Veronica Boomsma, Megan O' Hehir, Emma Finn, Castletroy and Chloe Blake, Lisnagry.
Pic: Gareth Williams
6/8/2018 Attending Smyths Bar were Amber Higgins, Kileely and Laura McMahon, Ballynanty.
Pic: Gareth Williams
6/8/2018 Attending Smyths Bar were Gerogina O' Halloran, Kileely, Danny and Stacey McMahon, Ballynanty.
Pic: Gareth Williams