Chords to The Poetry Circle
THE Poetry Circle is yet another inclusive venture from Limerick Writers’ Centres, introducing international poetry and music.
Look to Nelly’s Café on Nicholas Street on Thursday July 26 from 8pm for “an evening of poetry and song with an international flavour in the heart of historic Limerick,” suggests the organising force that is Dominic Taylor. “Two poets, the Limerick born Tim Cunningham and Irish-American, now residing in France, Richard W. Halperin will read from their poetry collections.”
We know Cunningham’s lyrical, layered work in collections such as ‘Kyrie’ of old through his publishing days with Revival press.
Broken Chord is the newly formed musical collaboration of Stuart Bond and Sarah Croker. This folky duo are no strangers to the stage in their own right and together their blended voices are entwined in delicate spell binding harmony.
Clare’s Creator-in-Residence
THE Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA) and the Arts Office of Clare County Council are setting up a Creator-in-Residence Scheme for an emerging or established artist from any genre.
Musicians, visual artists, dancers, writers and performers are invited to reflect and respond creatively to the collections and materials that are of relevance or reference County Clare and held in ITMA.
Valued at €8,000, the residency will take place from October 2018 and offers artists, of all disciplines, support by Clare Arts Office and ITMA to develop and / or showcase new work through the resources available in the Archive.
“Once again, Clare County Council is breaking new ground in the traditional arts, building on partnerships developed at local and national level,” says Siobhán Mulcahy, County Arts Office.
Application guidelines into the September 14 deadline are available from www.clarelibrary.ie/arts.htm and from www.itma.ie. Queries by email only to [email protected]
Journey to the Heart
THE eternally productive Limerick Writers’ Centre on Barrington Street is host to a cross-discipline workshop under the banner ‘Beyond Words: a journey to the heart with Poetry and Music’. Lucia Sheehan is the provider, an experienced practitioner and tutor of Sound Healing and workshop facilitator.
For Lucia, poetry “realigns lost pathways in the brain and cuts through illusion to bring me to a deeper truth and understanding of who I am.”
Taking place on Saturday August 25 from 10.30am for a couple of hours, the Centre suggests that the ”workshop with poetry, music and writing introduces you to the power of poetry as a tool of transformation. Ignite your creativity, unveil your true nature, listen to the heart of your inner muse.
“You do not need to love or even like poetry to discover its power to transform and heal and bring you into a closer, truer relationship with yourself.”
Are your interest and skillset piqued? Book in advance by email [email protected]; €20 fee.